Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas! :)

Hi Everyone...... I'm sorry that iv'e been procrastinating these blog uploads. I would love to say something like I won a trip to Paris, or went on a last minute thrilling journey, or had some amazing big photography break but sadly it is none of the above......I must give the lamest excuse in the book..... Iv'e just been moving hastily through this incredibly busy journey called life. Don't even get me started on how behind I am on photos... there will be some massive editing and hopefully uploading during the holidays though. ;)
Don't worry.... I'm still alive out here :)
Oh and have a very Merry Christmas!!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny how y'all were just wearing jackets, and there are ORANGES. When I went to get a Christmas tree for my friend, our noses were red and we were FREEEEEZING! :D
