Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FEAR-What it really means

This 4 letter word has so much impact, so much meaning.
Fear of a new begining, fear of an old ending.
Fear of love, fear of hate.
Fear of fullness, fear of emptiness.
So many ways it can ruin our lives, and save our lives.
Latley theres been lots of fear in my life. Not fear of bad things or of hurt, but fear of the unknown. Fear of what God is doing in my heart. For so long he has comforted me and used me as just his, for so long I didn't need to leave his arms. He's the only thing
I needed, and the only thing I wanted. Of course him being the only thing I need, and want always remains the same :)
But now he has whisspered in my heart another plan, one that calls me to leave my comfort zone, one that sends me where Iv'e never been. And of course what is my heart feeling? That dreaded word again.... FEAR
The bible says
"Do not give way to fear" 1 Peter 3:6

Then why do we? Why do we give way to fear if God clearly tells us not to?
My lovely friend once pointed out to me that the word abandonmet is full of fear.
I mean just think of the word abandonment
It's lonely, it's cold, it brings upon much fear. The scary words abandonment and fear becomes lovely words when we put it like this
"In Abandonment to God. I fear only one thing-to keep my own will." St. Theresa
These are two regretful words put togther to make a lovely anaglogy.
We fear so much, but when it comes to our walk with Christ is fear really a bad thing?
I know in my life I am most afraid when I am following God's will, but not a fear that brings scariness, a fear that brings peace.
A fear that keeps me off of the dark paths, a fear that makes me say "take my own will my Jesus, the only thing I fear is following my will and not yours".
So in this wonderful life, when you feel fear creeping up on you, the way you handle the fear should not be to make it scary, but instead peaceful. Peaceful of knowing that abondment to God requires fear. If we feel fear we should not run and hide, we should not avoid stepping out into Christ arms. But instead we should Trust. Trust. Trust. Fear and Trust go so well together, just as Fear and Abandonment do. When we fear the unknown of abandonment to Christ all we need to do is Trust. Trusting that in our abandonment to God there will be no Fear, afterall.......
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love (Jesus's Love) drives out all fear" 1 John 4:18
In Christ, Hollis Y. :)